The Bible is by no means gender-neutral. It presents from beginning to end a thoroughly masculine perspective, and it often leaves it to the reader to decide what application to females or what inclusion of females is implied. Sometimes, a reference to men or brothers should be understood to include women; other times, men just means “men.” The context will provide the clues. 聖經絕不是性別中立的。 它從頭到尾都呈現出一種徹底的男性視角,並且常常讓讀者自行決定對女性有何應用或暗示對女性的包容性。 有時,提及男性或兄弟時應理解為包括女性; 其他時候,“男人”只是指“男人”。 上下文將提供線索。 Determining whether the word man or brothers includes women comes down to rightly translating the passage and then properly interpreting its meaning. Good hermeneutics leads to accurate interpretations and the ability to know when a passage about “men” is exclusive (referring to strictly males) or inclusive (referring to both genders). 確定“男人”或“兄弟”一詞是否包括女人,歸根結底是正確翻譯該段落,然後正確解釋其含義。 良好的解經學可以帶來準確的解釋,並能夠知道有關“男人”的段落何時是排他性的(指嚴格意義上的男性)或包容性的(指兩種性別)。 Some words are masculine in form, and it is clear from the context ...