How much of the Bible is prophecy? 聖經中有多少是預言?
J. Barton Payne’s Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy lists 1,239 prophecies in the Old Testament and 578 prophecies in the New Testament, for a total of 1,817. These encompass 8,352 verses. Prophecy accounts for a major portion of the entire canon of Scripture. Numerous books in the Old Testament contain prophecy—some include short statements about the future, and others feature entire prophetic visions. In the New Testament, almost every book contains some prophecy, with Revelation being wholly devoted to a prophetic vision. 預言佔整本聖經正典的主要部分。 舊約聖經中的許多書卷都包含預言──有些包含有關未來的簡短陳述,有些包含完整的預言異象。 在新約聖經中,幾乎每本書都包含一些預言,而《啟示錄》則完全致力於預言性的異象。 By one count, about 27 percent of the Bible is predictive (Payne, J. B., The Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy , Baker Pub. Group, 1980, p. 675). This means that, when written, over one fourth of the Bible—more than one in four verses—was prophetic. Professor and theologian J. Barton Payne lists 1,817 prophecies in the Bible (ibid., p. 674). The cons...