How much of the Bible is prophecy? 聖經中有多少是預言?

J. Barton Payne’s Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy lists 1,239 prophecies in the Old Testament and 578 prophecies in the New Testament, for a total of 1,817. These encompass 8,352 verses.

Prophecy accounts for a major portion of the entire canon of Scripture. Numerous books in the Old Testament contain prophecy—some include short statements about the future, and others feature entire prophetic visions. In the New Testament, almost every book contains some prophecy, with Revelation being wholly devoted to a prophetic vision.

預言佔整本聖經正典的主要部分。 舊約聖經中的許多書卷都包含預言──有些包含有關未來的簡短陳述,有些包含完整的預言異象。 在新約聖經中,幾乎每本書都包含一些預言,而《啟示錄》則完全致力於預言性的異象。

By one count, about 27 percent of the Bible is predictive (Payne, J. B., The Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy, Baker Pub. Group, 1980, p. 675). This means that, when written, over one fourth of the Bible—more than one in four verses—was prophetic. Professor and theologian J. Barton Payne lists 1,817 prophecies in the Bible (ibid., p. 674). The consistent relation of prophecy in the Bible is staggering; on top of that is the amazing accuracy of those detailed prophecies.

根據一項統計,聖經中約有 27% 是預測性的(Payne, J. B., The Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy, Baker Pub. Group, 1980, p. 675)。 這意味著,在聖經成書時,超過四分之一的內容──四節經文中超過一節──是預言性的。 教授兼神學家 J. Barton Payne 列出了《聖經》中的 1,817 個預言(同上,第 674 頁)。 聖經中預言的一致性令人震驚。 最重要的是那些詳細預言的驚人準確度。

At least one half of all biblical predictions have already been fulfilled precisely as God had declared. Because of God’s faithfulness in fulfilling these prophecies, we can be assured that He will fulfill the rest of the prophecies in Scripture without fault (see Numbers 23:19).
聖經中至少有一半的預言已經如上帝所宣告的準確地應驗了。 由於神信實地應驗了這些預言,我們可以確信祂會毫無差錯地應驗聖經中其餘的預言(參考民數記 23:19)。

Prophecy in the Bible can be divided into two broad groups: fulfilled and not yet fulfilled. Some examples from these generalized groups include the following:
聖經中的預言可以分為兩大類:應驗的和尚未應驗的。 這些廣義組的一些例子包括:

Fulfilled Prophecies: 應驗的預言
1• The first coming of Christ
• 基督第一次降臨(例如,申命記 18:15-19;民 24:17;但以理書 9:25-26;彌迦書 5:2)。 

2• Jesus as the Savior of mankind (e.g., Genesis 3:15Isaiah 53:4–5). 
• 耶穌是人類的救世主(例如,創世記 3:15;以賽亞書 53:4-5)。 

3• Prophecies regarding individual people, such as the doom of Jezebel (2 Kings 9:10). 
關於個人的預言,例如耶洗別的厄運(列王紀下 9:10)。 

4• Prophecies regarding Israel, such as in the case of Israel’s exile to Babylon (2 Kings 20:18Jeremiah 34:3). 
關於以色列的預言,例如以色列被放逐到巴比倫的情況(王下 20:18;耶 34:3)。

5• The destruction of the temple, which occurred in AD 70 (Matthew 24:1–2). 
聖殿被毀,發生在西元 70 年(太 24:1-2)。

6• Daniel’s prophecies about the rise and fall of many kingdoms (Daniel 7:2–616).
但以理關於許多王國興衰的預言(但以理書 7:2-6, 16)。

Prophecies Still to Be Fulfilled: 尚未應驗的預言

1• The second coming of Christ (Zechariah 14:3–4Matthew 24:44Acts 1:10–11Revelation 1:7). 
基督的再來(亞 14:3-4;太 24:44;使徒行傳 1:10-11;啟 1:7)。

2• The rapture of the church (1 Thessalonians 4:16–17). 
教會被提(帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:16-17)。 

3• The tribulation (Daniel 9:27Matthew 24:15–22). 
大災難(但 9:27;太 24:15-22)。

4• The resurrections of the saved and the unsaved (Daniel 12:1–31 Corinthians 15:20–23Revelation 20:11–15). 

5• The millennial reign of Christ (Psalm 72:7–11Zechariah 2:10–11Revelation 20:4). 

6• The restoration of Israel (Jeremiah 31:31–37Romans 11:26–27). 

7• The new heavens and new earth (Isaiah 65:172 Peter 3:13Revelation 21:1).

Some prophecies have a double fulfillment, one nearer to the time of the prophet and one further in the future. We see this in Isaiah 7:14, for example. The birth of a child served as a sign for King Ahaz, but the prophecy also pointed forward to the virgin birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:22–23). 
有些預言有雙重應驗,一次應驗在先知時代,另一次應驗在未來。 例如,我們在以賽亞書 7:14 中看到這一點。 孩子的誕生是亞哈斯王的一個徵兆,但預言也指向耶穌由童女所生(太 1:22-23)。

Some interpret Jesus’ explanation of the signs of the end times as having been fulfilled in some sense in AD 70 yet also signaling a future, more complete fulfillment during the end times tribulation.
有些人將耶穌對末日徵兆的解釋為在某種意義上已經在公元 70 年應驗了,但也預示著未來在末日大災難期間會更完全地應驗。

Other prophecies have been fulfilled partially and are awaiting complete fulfillment. An example of this is found in Jesus’ quotation of Isaiah 61:1–2, in which He declares the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy. In the synagogue, Jesus read from the scroll: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18–19). He then proclaimed Himself as the fulfillment of that prophecy. But He had stopped reading in the middle of Isaiah 61:2. The reason is simple: the first part of that verse was fulfilled by Christ in His first advent, but the second half, concerning “the day of vengeance of our God,” was not. The Day of the Lord is still to be fulfilled in the future.
其他預言已經部分應驗,正在等待完全應驗。 耶穌引用以賽亞書 61:1-2 就是一個例子,其中他宣告以賽亞的預言應驗了。 耶穌在會堂念出經卷:「主的靈在我身上,因為祂用膏膏我,叫我傳福音給貧窮的人。 他差遣我去宣告被囚的獲得自由,盲人的重見光明,使受壓迫的人獲得自由,並報告主恩惠之年」(路加福音4:18-19)。 然後他宣稱自己實現了這個預言。 但他讀到以賽亞書 61 章 2 節的中間就停止了。 原因很簡單:這節經文的前半部是由基督第一次降臨應驗的,但後半部關於「我們神報仇的日子」卻沒有應驗。 主的日子仍有待將來應驗。

The amount of prophecy in the Bible is one of the things that make it unique among religious books. There is absolutely no emphasis on predictive prophecy in the Qu’ran or the Hindu Vedas, for example. In contrast, the Bible repeatedly points to fulfilled prophecy as direct proof that it is God who speaks (see Deuteronomy 18:221 Kings 22:28Jeremiah 28:9). Given God’s omniscience, it should come as no surprise that the Bible contains so many clear predictions or that those predictions are literally fulfilled: “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done” (Isaiah 46:9–10, ESV).
聖經中預言的數量是它在宗教書籍中獨一無二的原因之一。 例如,《古蘭經》或《印度教吠陀經》中絕對不強調預測性預言。 相較之下,聖經一再指出應驗的預言是上帝在說話的直接證據(參考申命記 18:22;列王記上 22:28;耶利米書 28:9)。 鑑於上帝的無所不知,聖經包含如此多明確的預言,或者這些預言確實應驗了,也就不足為奇了:“我是上帝,再沒有別神;我是上帝,我是上帝。” 我是神,沒有人能與我相比,從起初就宣告末後的事,從古時就宣告未成的事」(以賽亞書 46:9-10,ESV)。

Extra info:
The Temple of Herod the Great
The Third Temple (the “second” of the name), an important Greco-Roman style complex built by Herod the Great, was destroyed in 70 AD during the siege of Jerusalem by the Roman army of Titus. One of the few remaining remains is the Kotel: the Western Wall of the Temple.
第三聖殿(名字中的「第二」)是希律大帝建造的一座重要的希臘羅馬風格建築群,於公元 70 年在羅馬提多軍隊圍攻耶路撒冷期間被摧毀。 Kotel 是僅存的少數遺跡之一:寺廟的西牆。


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