
Showing posts from June, 2021

Looking Upon Jesus 仰望耶穌

LOOKING UNTO JESUS Scripture: "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, look¬ing unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame."—HEB. xii. 1. 2. R. V.         In running a race the eye and heart are ever set upon the goal and the prize. The Christian is here called to keep his eye fixed on Jesus enduring the cross, as the one object of imitation and desire. In our whole life we are ever to be animated by His Spirit as He bore the cross. This was the way that led to the throne and the glory of God. This is the new and living way which He opened for us through the veil of the flesh. It is as we study and realize that it was for His bearing the cross that God so highly exalted Him, that we shall walk in His footsteps bear¬ing our cross after Him with the flesh condemned and crucified.         The impotence of the Church is greatly owing to ...

為河南蒙古族人祈禱Pray for Henan Mongolian Tribe, China

Pray for Henan Mongolian Tribe, China Dear Heavenly Father in Glory!  All the people you created will come to praise you and worship your Holy Name! Your name is to be praised, now and forever. From the place of sunrise to the place of sunset, the name of Jehovah is to be praised! Your name is above all other names, your glory is above the heaven and the earth. You will bless those who fear your name, and those who obey and follow you will be saved. Heavenly Father, May your name be found in all the earth, glory to God!  Lord, today we handed over 30,000 people from Henan Mongol Autonomous County to your mighty hands. Henan Mongol Autonomous County belongs to Qinghai Province. The Mongols there speak the Amdo Tibetan language and maintain a few Tibetan culture and customs, but they always retain their traditional clothing, architecture and Mongolian New Year. In the 13th century, the Mongols created the largest empire in history. Today, 75% of Mongolians in the world form an o...

Renewing My Mind Everyday

Dear Heavenly Father, I delicate myself to renewing my mind by reading, meditating and speaking your Word. It is my desire to keep my mind pure and clear from anything that would hurt or weaken me spiritually. I think on things that are pure, lovely, just, of a good report, virtuous and praiseworthy. I choose to think about good things, and I refuse thoughts that are inappropriate and give me hard feeling. I now cast down vain imaginations and bad thoughts in the name of Jesus. I will not let doubt, worry, anger, or fear to pollute my mind. I will be quick to respond to wrong thoughts and desires by replacing them with proper thoughts and by speaking God's Word over my life. I refuse to fill my mind with the poison of gossip, backbiting, unforgiveness, hurting and jealousy. I will guard and protect my mind by not watching , reading or listening to anything that is not pleasing to the Lord. I make a decision to meditate on God's Word and to keep my mind pure and undefiled, that ...