為河南蒙古族人祈禱Pray for Henan Mongolian Tribe, China

Pray for Henan Mongolian Tribe, China

Dear Heavenly Father in Glory! 
All the people you created will come to praise you and worship your Holy Name! Your name is to be praised, now and forever. From the place of sunrise to the place of sunset, the name of Jehovah is to be praised! Your name is above all other names, your glory is above the heaven and the earth. You will bless those who fear your name, and those who obey and follow you will be saved. Heavenly Father, May your name be found in all the earth, glory to God! 

Lord, today we handed over 30,000 people from Henan Mongol Autonomous County to your mighty hands. Henan Mongol Autonomous County belongs to Qinghai Province. The Mongols there speak the Amdo Tibetan language and maintain a few Tibetan culture and customs, but they always retain their traditional clothing, architecture and Mongolian New Year.
In the 13th century, the Mongols created the largest empire in history. Today, 75% of Mongolians in the world form an officially recognized minority in China. For thousands of years, the Mongols have been famous for herding sheep, raising horses and Mongolian yurts all over the grassland. Like many grassland peoples, Henan Mongols are bold and outgoing, they like to tell jokes and often laugh. But like the Tibetans who live with them, their hearts are as hard as a rock. They are all believers of Tibetan Buddhism until their deaths. No one believes in the Lord Jesus so far. Although there are gospel materials, there are still many people who have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ.

Lord, we pray for your mercy on the Mongols in Henan. We know that human hearts are flowing freely in the hands of the Lord like the water of a long ditch. Although the hearts of the Mongols are as hard as rocks, they stick to their beliefs, but May the Holy Spirit work on them. Please soften their hearts. You have melted the frozen land for many years. When your salvation comes to them, they will be saved.

Lord, raise up people who love this race, so they are willing to come into them to share your love, please give them the love and eternal gifts from you, and you give them all the abilities and skills to integrate into their lives. May you make great use of your harvest workers. May your love and your truth be accepted by the Mongols. It is impossible for people, but nothing is impossible for God. 

May you make them all return to the truth as soon as possible, so they all can get eternal life from You! Thank you God for listening to our prayer, we pray in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen!



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