


經文: 「要互相代求。」(雅各書五:16)






Scripture: "Pray one for another."—JAS. v. 16.

        There is much value in intercession, and it is an indispensable part of prayer. It strengthens our love and faith in what God can do, and is a means of bringing blessing and salvation to others. Let us learn the lesson thoroughly: Prayer should not be for our¬selves alone, but chiefly for others. Let us begin by praying for those who are near and dear to us, those with whom we live, that we may be of help to them and not a hindrance. Pray for divine wisdom, for thoughtfulness for others, for kindliness, for self-sacrifice on their behalf.

        Pray for all your friends, and all with whom you come into contact. Pray that you may watch in prayer for their souls. Pray for all Christians, especially for ministers and those in responsible positions.

        Pray for those who do not yet know the Lord as their Saviour. Make a list of the names of those whom God has laid upon your heart, and pray for their conversion. You belong to Christ; He needs you to bring to Him in prayer the souls of those around you. The Holy Spirit will strengthen you to an active love in watching for souls. Pray, too, for all poor and neglected ones.

        Pray for the heathen, and for all mission work. Use a mission calendar, with daily subjects of prayer, and bear on your heart before God the missionaries, evangelists, teachers, and believ¬ers among the heathen.

        Do you think this will take too much time ? Just think what an inconceivable blessing it is to help souls through your prayers; and look to the Holy Spirit for further guidance. If this takes too much time in your morning watch, then take some time later in the day. Cultivate the feeling: "I am saved to serve." You will taste the great joy of knowing that you are living even as Jesus Christ lived on earth—to make God's love known to others.


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