Complete the ministry from the Lord 盡你從主所受的職分

Be cautious and complete the ministry from the Lord: Archippus

Tell Archippus: “See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord.” [Colossians 4:17]

Character introduction:

Archippus was an early church age believer, said to be the son of the apostle Philemon, whom Paul called "Archippus our fellow soldier" (Philemon 1:2). In Paul's letter to the Colossian church, he especially exhorted Archippus to be careful in all things and fulfill the ministry that came from the Lord. Since there are not many descriptions of Archippus in the Bible, Paul gave such a reminder, probably because Archippus took on the important task of shepherding the Colossian church at that time, exhorting him whether he encountered temptation in the service, or accepted in new tasks, he must be cautious and self-controlled, and be loyal and faithful to the Lord.


Life application:

Legend has it that Archippus served the Lord faithfully throughout his whole life, and was even martyred for holding to the way of the Lord when King Nero was in power. Brothers and sisters, believers in the early church could unite with each other and fight for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ; today we also need to unite with each other before the Lord, hold on to the truth, and fight for the Lord. Paul said in 1 Timothy 6:12: "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

Dear Brothers and sisters, every believer who are called from God has the same purpose, we have to fight the good fight for the gospel of the Lord and to bear a good testimony for the Lord before everyone. Perhaps the spiritual battle we are facing now is different from that of believers in the past. Today's generation is full of heresies or cults, distorted values and perspectives on life, marriage and family. We as the children of God, as Paul said, "Be cautious, and fulfill the ministry you have received from the Lord" It is indeed our part in our life. May the Lord help us to continue to be good witnesses in this generation.



Dear Jesus! May you teach me the way I should walk, and give me words of wisdom, so that I know how to bear good witness for you in this generation, take up the ministry and work in which you called me to do, and fulfill the great commission you have entrusted to me. I pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

Reflection: Have you found your role and ministry to serve the Lord Jesus?













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