Science & Universe 4: 宇宙奧秘知多少 (中英)

宇宙科學的成果 Achievements in cosmic science

The vast universe is like a mysterious treasure that can never be dug out. Modern cosmic science is advancing by leaps and bounds. With the tremendous progress of modern scientific and technological means, more and more cosmic discoveries have been made. Three of them are particularly worth mentioning:

1.暗物質 Dark Matter

The form of the universe we originally knew was that planets attract each other through gravity. You revolve around me, and I revolve around it. The entire universe is like a vast whirling square, with each planet rotating and each planet rotating orderly.

By calculating the gravitational force between planets, scientists found that the gravitational force of the planet itself is far from enough to maintain complete galaxies. If galaxies and planets were only supported by the gravitational force of existing matter, the universe would be a piece of loose sand. The universe can maintain its current order only because there is other matter. Scientists call the invisible matter that deflects light when it passes somewhere called dark matter.

Are these dark matter black holes that have been discovered in the universe? No, in fact, black holes are just matter that cannot emit light, but can emit other rays. How much dark matter is there? Scientists have calculated through scientific calculations that in order to maintain the current operating order of the universe, the mass of dark matter must be five times that of the matter we see now.

2.暗能量 Dark Energy

In addition to dark matter that has not been seen or found, there is also a kind of dark energy in the universe. Scientists have observed that our current universe is not only expanding, but also accelerating. If it expands at a constant speed, it is understandable, but to accelerate the expansion, new energy needs to be added. What is this energy? Scientists have not found it yet and cannot figure it out, so it is named dark energy.

How much dark energy is there? Scientists calculate through the mass-energy conversion equation E=MC^2 that to maintain the current expansion rate of the universe, dark energy should be more than double the sum of existing matter and dark matter.

3.量子糾纏 Quantum Entanglement

2022年10月4日,諾貝爾物理學獎頒給了法國科學家Alain Aspect、美國科學家John F. Clauser和奧地利科學家Anton Zeilinger。官方表彰他們的成就是「進行了糾纏光子的實驗,確立了對貝爾不等式的不成立,並開創了量子資訊科學。」瑞典皇家科學院在諾獎公報中說,三位獲獎者在量子糾纏實驗方面的貢獻,「為當前量子技術領域正發生的革命奠定了基礎。」
Modern science has discovered that the study of matter has led to great surprises after entering the microscopic levels of molecules, atoms, and quantum. 
Revolutionary materials such as high-temperature superconductors such as graphene have emerged, which has led to the miracle of curing cancer at the molecular level. The most amazing thing is quantum entanglement. 
On October 4, 2022, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to French scientist Alain Aspect, American scientist John F. Clauser and Austrian scientist Anton Zeilinger. The official commendation for their achievements is "conducting experiments on entangled photons, establishing that Bell's inequality is not true, and creating quantum information science." The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said in the Nobel Prize Bulletin that the three laureates' achievements in quantum entanglement experiments The contribution "laid the foundation for the revolution currently taking place in the field of quantum technology."

Scientific experiments have found that quantum entanglement is not the interaction between any two photons at a distance, but that the two original quanta have formed a joint state and are not independent. When they are broken up and separated, if the state of one of them is determined, the state of the other will be determined no matter where it is. This is not because there is instant communication between the two at super-light speed and long distance, but when they are separated, the result is determined. If one is detected, the other must be known, but this situation is enough to be applied to "quantum communication".

宇宙奧秘的背後 Behind the mysteries of the universe

How big is the sky and where is the edge of the universe? It seems endless. A thousand years ago, human beings did not know that there was air, electric fields and magnetic fields, and they did not know the elements. They thought that the sky was round and the earth was round. Now with the development of science, we know more and more matter in the universe, but it is still only 5% of the universe, and the remaining 95% is matter that we do not know. This universe is unimaginably big. All our current physical theories are based on the fact that the speed of light cannot be exceeded; but the propagation speed of quantum entanglement in the universe is at least four times the speed of light. So, in the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Horse, can we truly fully understand the universe? I don’t know, it can only become more and more, but it will never end. The universe is not only vast and boundless, but also has endless mysteries.

這樣的宇宙難道是自然而然的嗎?絕對不是,而是有一位無限大能的上帝創造的。祂通過自己揀選的先知在聖經中反覆告訴我們這一點,是上帝「耶和華用能力創造大地,用智慧建立世界,用聰明鋪張穹蒼。」(耶利米書51:15)所以詩人感歎和讚美上帝:「諸天藉耶和華的命而造;萬象藉祂口中的氣而成。」(詩篇33:6)「耶和華啊,祢所造的何其多!都是祢用智慧造成的;遍地滿了祢的豐富。」(詩篇 104:24)
Is such a universe natural? Absolutely not, but created by an infinitely powerful God. He tells us this repeatedly in the Bible through his chosen prophets. It is God who "created the earth with his power, established the world with his wisdom, and stretched out the firmament with his understanding." (Jeremiah 51:15) So the poet sighed and praised God. : “By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all their host by the breath of his mouth.” (Psalm 33:6) “How many are your works, O LORD! In your wisdom you have created them; the earth is full of you. the riches.” (Psalm 104:24)

Many discoveries in cosmic science, from known laws to human applications, are the realization of the Creator's grace. God has made all things have laws to follow, so that we can make good use of them. Whether it is the melons you sow, the beans you sow, the beans you sow, or the applications of high-temperature superconducting materials and quantum communications, these are all God’s gifts to mankind. Bless. Therefore, we “have confidence in God, who richly provides us with all things for our enjoyment.” (1 Timothy 6:17)

But many of us never believe in the existence of God, and always want to study and prove that there is a God. You must know that God is too infinite, and we humans are all limited in a certain period of time and space. 
We as finite beings cannot fully study even all things created by the infinite, such as the universe and the human body. How can we study the God who created the infinite mysteries? So God wants us to believe in Him by faith: “Without faith it is impossible to please God; for whoever comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6) 

Dear My Friends, we should first be humble and realize our own limitations, and then learn about God through the Bible. In this way, God’s words in the Bible will help us gradually develop faith, and thus believe in and understand the Creator of heaven and earth, the God who can save and bless us.



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