青少年離開教會的原因 Reasons why teenagers leave the church

根據Bernard Research Center十年前的研究結果:參加教會的青少年到了中學或大學,只有三分之一繼續留在教會,其餘三分之二會離開教會。有些在中學時就已離開,升上大學時離開的尤其多。

According to a study conducted by the Bernard Research Centre ten years ago: only one-third of teenagers who attend church will continue to stay in the church when they reach middle school or college, and the remaining two-thirds will leave the church. Some left when they were in middle school, and many left when they entered college.


Ten years have passed and the situation has not improved. Nowadays, the situation of young people not returning to church is even more serious. The church really needs to take it seriously. Changing this situation requires persistent prayer and comprehensive management, but we must first find the cause by prescribing the right medicine. Since my ministry requires contact with many Chinese pastors and conversations with young people from different churches, especially those born and raised in the “ABC” community, I have learned more about some of the main reasons why they leave the church.

學校的反信仰環境 Anti-belief environment in schools


Although teenagers learned some basic Bible teachings in the church when they were young and were able to live the church fellowship life with their families, when they entered middle school or high school, their life circles expanded, their horizons gradually broadened, and they began to think logically. This leads to some questions about the world and life. At this time, the school promoted values ​​and outlook on life that were completely different from the Bible. Schools begin to teach evolution and atheism from the junior and high school stage, misleading them to think critically about the church and theology, thereby doubting or even disbelieving in the belief that God created all things in the Bible. What is even more unfortunate is that the church has not provided them with detailed teaching on the errors of evolution and no training in scientific apologetics.


Without correct beliefs, young people will easily be attracted by the colourful world. During middle school, many students became interested in online games and pornography. They felt that this kind of life was much more exciting than going to church to listen to old-fashioned doctrines, so they were reluctant to return to church. There are many types of teenagers, and some are obedient. Even if the church does not give them an answer, they will not challenge or rebel, let alone leave because of it. However, even if there are a few who still stay in the church, it is because of friendship and relationship factors, and they still have different beliefs, but their faith are still immature and unsteady.

教會無應用性教導 The church has no practical teaching


If the church only talks about preaching the gospel and leading people to the Lord, and uses superficial teachings to make young people behave, treating them like children and only feeding them "milk", it does not help them to solve the problems they encounter or teach them how to analyse and discern the problems in life and society. It will make young people feel that the church is unrealistic and cannot solve the problems they are facing. In addition, society is increasingly attacking Christianity and tradition, causing them to leave the church.



Most churches tend to avoid talking about politics. How can they remind the next generation how to judge? The church should remind young people to avoid choosing a leader who abuses democracy and seeks to cater to worldly requirements. There are also homosexual and transgender issues. The church should educate the next generation through the Bible and teach them discernment about the truth. 

As the COVID-19 pandemic has become more severe in the past two years, many more rational or spiritually mature teenagers have begun to feel disgusted with the church. Even some ABCs who are church leaders feel that the church rarely talks about how to view  "anti-mask", "anti-science", evolution and other issues. If there is a lack of communication, blind avoidance, and dare not speak out for justice. This will cause young people to not understand the views of the previous generation and have different ideas from each other, which will disappoint them and lead to misunderstandings and even hostility.

今天青少年所受的教育偏重情緒化(Emotional Education),這是後現代教育的特色。如果不能教導他們批判性思考,青少年往往會用較情緒化方法處理問題,引致與上一代認知上的反差,在教會裡沒有歸屬感,所以很容易離開教會。

The education that teenagers receive today focuses on emotional education, which is a characteristic of postmodern education. If they cannot be taught to think critically, young people will often use a more emotional approach to deal with problems, resulting in a cognitive gap with the previous generation. They will not have a sense of belonging in the church, so they will easily leave the church.

信徒們虛偽性榜樣 Hypocritical role models for believers


Many parents divorced when the teenagers were infancy. When teenagers see the fail in their their parents' marriages, they are surprised that even Christians are getting divorce. Even if some parents are not divorced, they still have extramarital affairs or have bad relationships, have quarrels and cold wars. The parents do not set as a good example to the teenagers. Therefore, young people feel deeply that their parents' beliefs are hypocritical.


Many teenagers feel that church elders and leaders are hypocritical. This view has always existed, but the situation has become more serious in recent years, especially when they learn about the scandals of some church leaders, such as famous pastors who have deviated from the law, priests who are paedophiles, or a male pastor always go out with ladies alone by using a excuse as pastoral care, etc, they feel sick and disgusted about it! These pastors initially denied it and could not escape until they were arrested. Some people even disappeared; some showed no remorse, causing divisions in the church, and were taken advantage of by the worldly media to hype them up, causing the United Nations to deal with them. Not only are ordinary believers ashamed of this, but teenagers are also feel shameful of what they do! These incidents were very destructive, destroying the seeds that the church had sown in their hearts, making them feel that those church leaders only taught people but did not demonstrate a good testimony in their lives!



For example, pastors teach believers from the pulpit to "do justice and love mercy." However, some Chinese churches have racial discrimination, or look sideways at foreigners, or dare not interact with each other, showing injustice. Many churches do not talk about racial issues. For example: everyone is God’s people and there should be no racial discrimination; how to deal with these situations if they occur, etc. The church often avoids talking about it and does not mention how to deal with this problem. 

In fact, ABC teenagers will not look at foreign races with strange eyes. They will only think that the church's words and deeds are inconsistent and very hypocritical!


Teenagers will also notice that some believers love to have fun and hold many activities such as eating, drinking and having fun. If it is entertaining, people will participate enthusiastically; if it is a serious bible conference or lecture, there will be fewer participants. Just imagine, how can young people not feel that the church is hypocritical when they see it?

女信徒沒得到尊重 Female believers are not respected


The church's silence on certain situations often leaves young female believers confused and disappointed! For example, youth fellowships often only teach girls to be clean and self-respecting, dress modestly, be careful about their chastity, be good girls, and not go out with others casually, not to drink alcohol, etc. But there is very little instruction or teaching to the boys about their responsibilities. In fact, mentors or church leaders should teach boys to respect women and be cautious in their words and deeds. Men must be self-disciplined and follow the example of Joseph. You can't put all the blame on the woman, which will make them angry and unwilling!


When girls hear the above teachings when they are 12 to 13 years old, they don’t feel anything because they are still young. But as they grow older, they will feel that these teachings are biased. Why is the responsibility all on the girls? The attackers may be the boys who take the initiative to harass the girls. No matter how the girls dress up, the boys have no right to violate them! How can the church see things entirely from a male perspective? It's so unfair to them!


In addition, girls are solely responsible for the issue of abortion, and it is often the woman who is blamed; it is boys who make girls pregnant before marriage, but they do not receive the support and counselling they deserve. They feel that the church is unsympathetic and does not investigate the original reasons, but only accepts the consequences. Looking at things from a male perspective and superficially is too legalistic!


Furthermore, when Asians are bullied, most of the victims are women, mothers-in-law, mothers, aunts, grandma (of course there are also some men). Under such circumstances, I don’t see any action taken by male Christians to defend women. In fact, men should protect women, especially in critical situations. However, in general, many male believers in Chinese churches are passive, and some are more introverted, which greatly confuses female believers! Most churches have more women than men. Just imagine, if the next generation of women all leave the church, how many people will be left in the church?

年輕信徒尋找甚麼?What are young believers looking for?

以上種種問題,教會領袖們當要反省,並加以改善。我們的青少年要尋找的是甚麼?我認為有以下三方面:Church leaders should reflect on the above problems and improve them. What are our teens looking for? I think there are three aspects:

一是要尋找一個真正行道(Authenticity)的教會,而不是只講道而不理會社會實際問題(Social Issues)的教會。

The first is to find a church that truly practices the word (Authenticity), rather than a church that only preaches and ignores social issues.


They want the church to have a clear response to current social issues and events. At a low level, some responses can be made and these issues can be addressed. At a high level, we need to have a more positive response and take some practical actions in society.



In this regard, in view of this, our church has established several special ministries, such as: counselling ministry, which provides psychological or spiritual counselling to people inside and outside the church. 

Mild cases will be counselled by professional members of our church, while severe cases will be referred to outside psychological or psychiatric specialists with funding from the church. People with such problems are welcome to attend the church and receive counselling to accompany them through the difficult road so that they will not be deterred from seeking medical treatment due to lack of money.


Our church also helps some low-income families face critical situations and supports some outside ministries, such as helping prostitutes escape from suffering and return to normal lives, and encouraging women not to have abortions. Furthermore, because California is dry and there are frequent forest fires, the church responded to the Samaritans and sent people to participate in rescue services. When the city of New Orleans was hit by a storm, people were sent to assist with rescue operations.


Recently, many Chinese people in California have been robbed, insulted, and even killed. Our church organized a "Good Samaritan Group" in which many teenagers (many ABCs) participated to form patrol teams and go to shops and streets where Chinese people often visit. Patrol team, accompany the elderly to buy groceries, and practice the biblical teaching of "doing justice and loving mercy"; instead of just talking about the scriptures or just praying for them. The church really cannot just stand on the high ground and point fingers, but must take practical actions and follow the example of the Lord Jesus.

二是要尋找一個能改變他們生命(Life Changing)的教會,例如可以提供輔導(Counseling)。The second is to find a church that can change their lives (Life Changing), for example, it can provide counselling. 



We need to understand the teenagers, especially ABC; because they live in the cracks and do not know whether they are Chinese or American. They often think that they are Americans, but they are not respected as Americans in white or black circles, and we do not treat them as Chinese, which makes them doubt their identity and feel confused! However, they have no choice!

They are in a world of foreigners. They face many struggles, many problems will arise, and they will encounter many difficulties.

So, can the church help them? Can the "church" change their lives? We cannot just say "Trust in the Lord!" or "I pray for you." We should try our best to understand them from their shoes so that they can trust church leaders and pastors and be willing to talk about their troubles and struggles. Therefore, the church should have a counselling ministry to provide appropriate counselling for young people.

三是社會不斷進步,科技一日千里,教會需趕上學術上所面對的不少挑戰(Intellectually Challenging),在科學和科技方面稱職(Science and technology competent)。

Third, society is constantly progressing and technology is advancing rapidly. The church needs to catch up with many academic challenges (Intellectually Challenging) and become science and technology competent.


The church must be able to master high-end knowledge so that it can lead young people to think deeply and face many practical problems in society. Only by being able to keep pace with society, science, and technology and move forward at the same level, we can convince young people.

For this reason, church leaders and pastors can no longer stand still and lead them in the same old ways and ideas, otherwise they will look down upon them!

對神學教育的期盼Expectations for theological education


Nowadays, the average seminary has failed to keep up with the times! The subjects taught are still the same as those from decades ago. Of course, most of the subjects related to fundamental beliefs must be retained, but if you just stop there, it really won’t work! 

Be sure to add courses that teach theology students to face real-world problems. It must be known that the biggest problem for teenagers today is psychological pressure and spiritual problems; pastors and mentors really need to be equipped in this area, and the content must be in-depth, so seminaries must add courses in pastoral counselling.


Furthermore, general seminaries do not have courses on social and political aspects, only "ethics". In fact, the term "ethics" has fallen behind today. There are many issues that go far beyond the scope of "ethics". Subjects should be set up to teach topics such as homosexuality, transgenderism, smuggling, drug abuse, addiction, mental illness, family breakdown, guns and politics. Theological schools all have apologetics, but they only focus on traditional theological knowledge, so that few pastors can fully explain to people what is wrong with the theory of evolution and prove the existence of God with scientific methods. 

For this reason, seminaries should now add courses on scientific apologetics to help pastors catch up with the times in science. These equipment are especially needed in youth ministry and can also come in handy when evangelizing to high-level intellectuals.




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