
Showing posts from March, 2021

Healing Prayer_Stripe 3

 Authority Over Satan  Stripe 3 [NIV]1Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.  [NASB]James 4:7 Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. [NASB]John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. Jesus came that I may have life, and have it abundantly, but Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. God's Will for my life is health and wholeness. I command Satan right now:  Jesus has already defeated you and taken away your authority to harm me. In Jesus's almighty name, I boldly proclaim: Satan, you are under my feet. I resist you and I stand steadfast in my faith to defeat you. I command you to stop all attempts to put sickness or disease on my body and mind, and you have no hold on me at all. I take authority over Satan and break the power of any curses that have been spoken over my life. Witchcraft, black magic, and all ...

Healing Prayer_Stripe 2

Overcoming Fear Stripe 2 Psalms 42:11 Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.  [NASB]Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. I am strong and very courageous; I will not fear. I will not let fear impact my life. I am not afraid because God's Word gives me boldness and hope. For I fear no devil, no sickness and no disease. My faith and trust in God and His Word destroys the power of fear. God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind. Fear, I command you to leave me right now in the name of Jesus Christ. I have complete peace of God in my body, soul and spirit. I refuse to get stressed out, worry or be anxious about anything. I stand firm and fearless in my faith. God is for me, God is with me and God is in...

晨禱 Prayer for the Church 14/3

Morning prayer 14/3 Good morning Emmanuel! ❤️Dear Glorious Heavenly Father! We thank you and praise you in this beautiful Holy Sunday. We honor and praise your Holy Name in every moment. Let our praises always be in our mouths. Our hearts boast in your name, because Lord you are great and deserve all praises! Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. You are worthy of all praises! Dear Lord! May your eyes put upon to those who fear you, and you look upon to those who look up to you. You are our help, our shield and our refuge. Our hearts rejoice in you, because we rely on your Holy name. You show your kindness to those who look upon you. Abba Father! We come to worship you on this beautiful Sunday! May the whole earth come to honor Your holy name! Now, we call on you to bless your church on earth, the church will be able to honor you in all circumstances, especially in this pandemic. May you use your church to bear witness in your Holy name, because many helpless people need the ...

Healing Prayer_Stripe 1

Jesus Already Did It! Stripe 1 Isaiah 53:4-5 Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.                                      I declare that Jesus bore my sickness and diseases on the cross. He was made sick so that I might be made well. He was beaten and bruised for me. He was my substitute, and He became sick so I would not have to be sick. By His stripes I was healed in the name of Jesus. Jesus already did it for me. Now I receive the healing today and healing is already mine. Healing is a gift from My Lord and Savior Jesus, I do not have to ask, but receive in faith. Jesus was bruised for my iniquities, the punishment He bore had brought me peace,...

Pray for the Lost 為未信主的人祈禱

Pray for the Lost 13/3 ❤️Dear Father God, we thank and praise you, you are the glorious God, you are the holy and righteous God, you must never regard the guilty as innocent, you made your son Jesus a scapegoat to save everything People who believe in Jesus' salvation.         Lord! Thank you for your grace for allowing us to be blessed. You have given us the grace of believing. You have given us eternal life through your salvation. You have taken our sins and made us clothed with yours. Righteousness, from now on we are no longer sinners, but become righteous by believing that You are the Christ and the Son of God. Lord! Thank you for what your grace has come to us, and we thank you again!         Lord! Today, I wish to put our unbelievers family, friends, and neighbors in your hands. May You open their blinded hearts, understand the truth, and accept You as the savior in their lives. May You take this wonderful eternal blessing It is given to th...

The Desire for God 渴慕上帝

THE DESIRE FOR GOD Scripture: Isaiah 26:9 My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.  What is the chief thing, the greatest and most glorious, that man can see or find upon earth? Nothing less than God Himself.          And what is the chief and the best and the most glorious thing that a man needs every day, and can do every day? Nothing less than to seek and to know, and to love and to praise this glorious God. As glorious as God is, so is the glory which begins to work in the heart and life of the man who gives himself to live for God.          Dear brothers and sisters, have you learnt what is the first and the greatest thing you have to do every day?          Nothing less and nothing greater than to seek this God, to meet Him, to worship Him, to live for Him and for His glory. It is a ...

How can I effectively do my daily devotion?

How to make your time count: Psalms 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.  Pause and take a deep breath. As you do so, reflect on last year. What has God done in your life since Easter 2020? When you’re in the middle of a long season, it can be easy to forget what God is doing in the midst of your circumstances. That’s one of the reasons why reflecting on God’s Word is so important: it helps us slow down and remember that God is faithful in every season of life. As you prepare for Resurrection Sunday, spend some intentional time reflecting on God’s faithfulness by studying the Verse of the Day. Here are 3 ways you can do that: If you have 5 minutes… Open your Bible App, and look for the Verse of the Day. Before you start reading, ask God to make you aware of anything He wants to show you. Then, read through the verse slowly, paying close at...


如何善用你的時間: 神啊,求你鑒察我,知道我的心思,試煉我,知道我的意念,看在我裏面有甚麼惡行沒有,引導我走永生的道路。[詩篇139:23-24] 稍息片刻,深呼吸,並同時回顧過去這一年。自 2020 年復活節至今,上帝在你生命中成就了什麼? 置身於漫長的人生時節,你很容易會忘了上帝正在你處境中的作為。而這正是反思上帝話語何以重要的原因之一:它能幫助我們緩下腳步,想起上帝在我們人生的每個時節裡都是信實的。 在預備迎接復活節之際,請有計畫地用一些時間研讀【今日經文】,反思上帝的信實。 你可以採用以下三種方式: 如果你有 5 分鐘⋯⋯ 打開聖經軟體,查看【今日經文】。請在開始閱讀前,先祈求上帝能讓你察覺到祂想要向你顯明的一切。然後慢慢閱讀今天的經文,細心留意任何吸引你注意的字句。 問問自己: 這節經文告訴我上帝的哪一個屬性?這段經文的重點是什麼? 我要如何將它應用在日常生活裡? 用禱告作結束,祈求上帝幫助你整天都反思這節經文。 如果你有 15 分鐘⋯⋯ 在讀完【今日經文】後,點擊【譯本對照】,接著選擇你想比較的 3-5 個聖經譯本。仔細閱讀每一個譯本,留意字詞上的差異,讓這些差異擴增你對這節經文的理解。 問問自己: 每一個譯本如何詮釋這節經文?在對照不同譯本之後,我對上帝有什麼新的認識?有哪些字句特別吸引我的注意? 寫下上帝給你的任何啟示,然後祈求祂幫助你將此經文應用在你的生活裡。 如果你有 30 分鐘⋯⋯ 用前五分鐘思想任何會攪擾你注意力的擔憂和問題。祈求上帝向你顯明祂話語中的真理,然後慢慢閱讀【今日經文】,並對照不同譯本。 做完這些之後,在【發掘】內輸入經文出處,查看相關資源。用一部分反思時間來選擇研讀其中一個資源。 問問自己: 這個資源提供了什麼樣的觀點?它如何影響或確認了上帝透過今天的經文對我的啟示?哪些引起我的共鳴?我可以如何將它應用在生活裡? 完成這些之後,請就你所研讀的經文,寫下 2-3 項領受的心得。(你甚至可以 嘗試這個學習方式。) 在結束反思時間之後,用幾分鐘禱告,祈求上帝一整天都提醒你學到的所有功課。每天重複這個步驟,直到復活節為止。 建議聖經軟件app Holy Bible 中英語言,聆聽牌聖經

Why do we need God? 為什麼人需要上帝

ALONE WITH GOD Scripture:  "And it came to pass, as He was alone praying."—[LUKE9:18]  "He departed again into a mountain, Himself alone."[ JOHN6:15]           Man needs God. God made him for Himself, to find his life and happiness in Himself alone.                   Man needs to be alone with God. His fall consisted in his being brought, through the lust of the flesh and the world, under the power of things visible and temporal. His restoration is meant to bring him back to the Father's house, the Father's presence, the Father's love and fellowship. Salvation means being brought to love and to delight in the presence of God.                    Man needs to be alone with God. Without this, God cannot have the opportunity to shine into his heart, to transform his nature by His Divine working, to take possession and to fill him with t...