Pray for the Lost 為未信主的人祈禱

Pray for the Lost 13/3

❤️Dear Father God, we thank and praise you, you are the glorious God, you are the holy and righteous God, you must never regard the guilty as innocent, you made your son Jesus a scapegoat to save everything People who believe in Jesus' salvation.

        Lord! Thank you for your grace for allowing us to be blessed. You have given us the grace of believing. You have given us eternal life through your salvation. You have taken our sins and made us clothed with yours. Righteousness, from now on we are no longer sinners, but become righteous by believing that You are the Christ and the Son of God. Lord! Thank you for what your grace has come to us, and we thank you again!

        Lord! Today, I wish to put our unbelievers family, friends, and neighbors in your hands. May You open their blinded hearts, understand the truth, and accept You as the savior in their lives. May You take this wonderful eternal blessing It is given to them because it is so pitiful for those who have not accepted the gospel. There is no dependence in this life and no hope in the next life. Although some people seem to live abundance and seem to live a very happy life, they are all superficial and short-lived in this life. After that, they didn't know which  was their destination, they had only fear of death, no hope.

        A person is not one hundred after death. The death of the body does not mean the death of the soul. We all have a soul that will never disappear. If the problem of sin is not solved in this life alive, God's righteous judgment must be faced after death! The final outcome must be to accept the consequences of sin, never rest, and suffer the pain of hell forever.

        Lord! Have mercy on them, while there is still today, while there is still opportunity, please open their hearts, open their eyes, so that they can see the glory of the Creator, so that they may receive the grace of the Redeemer, and may you accomplish what you have done on the cross Salvation is accepted by them. May they be forgiven of their sins like us, be born again, have the new life of Christ, and get tickets to heaven. On that day, we can see your glory with us, go to your feast, and share. The blessings of heaven.

        Lord! May you inspire us, give us a heart to love souls, and use us as a channel for blessing all peoples. May your kingdom come, and may your will be done on earth, as walking in heaven! Thank God, listen to our prayers, and ask in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen!


三月十三日 星期六



        主阿!今天願將我們未信主的家人、朋友、鄰舍都交在祢的手中,願祢打開他們蒙蔽的心眼,明白真道,接受祢作為他們生命中的救主,願祢將這美好的永生福份賜給他們,因為沒有接受福音的人是何等的可憐,今生沒有依靠, 來生沒有指望,雖然有的人看似過得富足,看似生活十分美滿,但這都是表面的,短暫的今生過後,他們不知道哪𥚃是他們的歸宿,對死亡只有恐懼,毫無盼望。 

        人死了不是一了百了,肉體的死亡不代表靈魂的死亡,我們都有一個永不會消失的靈魂,活著的今生若沒有解決罪的問題,死後面對的一定是上帝公義的審判! 最後的結局一定是接受罪帶來的後果,永無安息,永受地獄的痛苦。 


        主阿!願祢激勵我們,賜給我們愛靈魂的心,使用我們成為祝福萬民的管道,願祢的國降臨,願祢的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上! 感謝神,垂聽我們的禱告,奉耶穌基督的聖名而求,阿們!


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