為雲南省阿昌人祈禱Pray for Achang Tribe in Yunan, China


感謝讚美祢,謝謝祢賜給了我們美好的一天,感謝祢存留我們的生命,要叫我們能成為祝福別人的人,成為見證祢名,榮耀祢名的人。 願祢的旨意成就在我們的身上!

主啊! 今天我們為阿昌族人求平安,人口超過5萬的阿昌族生活在雲南省德宏傣族自治州的西部,緬甸邊境的沿線。 他們居住在梁河,隴川和潞西3個縣中。 在緬甸有2千人左右。 儘管他們是一個很小的民族,但是阿昌族中有幾種不一樣的方言,互不相通,以至於阿昌族人不得不經常用普通話進行交流。 大多數阿昌族人崇拜神靈和鬼神,許多佛教儀式被移到阿昌族的社會中。 當一個阿昌族人死了,一個佛教僧侶會被花錢請去走在葬禮隊伍的最前面,他抓著一根連著棺材的絲帶,象徵著僧侶將死去的人的魂牽到死後世界。 大約有2000名阿昌族人從景頗族聽到福音成為了基督徒。 在緬甸的阿昌族中也有一些基督徒。 《新約》於1992年被翻譯成阿昌文,但大多數阿昌族人卻讀不懂緬甸譯者所翻譯的經文。

主啊!我們願祢憐憫阿昌族這個群體,願福音的好消息能進到他們的裡面,去解決他們根本的問題,就是靈魂的得救。 一條絲帶不能將靈魂帶到他想去的地方,只能是對活著的人的一個安慰,活著的時候若沒有認識賜永生的真神耶穌基督,死後唯一能去的地方,只能是那可怕痛苦的地獄。 

主啊!差派祢的使者到他們當中,求祢打開傳道的門,願祢的真理進到他們裡面,將祢的愛見證給他們。 祈求阿昌族教會能夠堅強地成長,能夠被祢使用,能將福音傳給更多的阿昌人,願更多的教會被建立,願祢的名在阿昌族中得榮耀。 


Dear Heavenly Father!
We thank you and praise you, thank you for giving us a beautiful day, thank you for saving our lives, so that we can become a blessing for other people, and to testify and glorify your Holy name. May your Will will be done on us!

Lord Jesus ! Today we pray for the safety of the Achang people in Yunan, China. There are a population of more than 50,000 Achang people who live in the west of the Dehong Dai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province and along the border of Myanmar. They live in Lianghe, Longchuan and Luxi counties. 
There are about 2,000 Achang people in Myanmar. Although they are a very small ethnic group, there are several different dialects in the Achang people, which are not interlinked with each other, so that the Achang people often have to communicate to each other in Mandarin. Most Achang people worship gods and ghosts, and many Buddhist ceremonies have been moved to Achang society. When an Achang person dies, a Buddhist monk will be paid to go to the front in the funeral ceremony. The monk holds a ribbon attached to the coffin, symbolizing that he will lead the soul of the dead to the afterlife.
Until now, about 2,000 Achang people heard the gospel from the Jingpo tribe and became Christians. There are also some Christians among the Achang tribe in Myanmar. The "New Testament" was translated into Achang in 1992, but most Achang people cannot read the scriptures which translated by Burmese translators.

Lord Jesus! May you have mercy on the Achang group. May the good news of the gospel can enter them, and to bring salvation of those soul to you. 
A ribbon cannot bring the soul where he wants to go. It can only be a comfort to the people on earth. If they don’t know the true God Jesus Christ when they are alive, the only place they can go after death is the eternal hell.

Lord Jesus! May you send your missionary to them. Please open the door of preaching. May your truth come into them and testify of your love to them. Pray that the Achang church will grow strongly, and be used by you, and spread the gospel to more Achang people. May more churches be established. May your name be glorified among the Achang people.
May you raise up people who can translate the Bible in the Achang language. May they have their own Bibles as soon as possible. May the word of God renew, transform and grow their lives.

Lord Jesus! Bless the churches in China and raise up soldiers of prayer. May many unsaved ethnic groups in China be found by you as soon as possible. May the people of China become citizens of your kingdom and be blessed by you.

Thank you Jesus for listening to our prayer, we pray it in Jesus's name. Amen!


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